Nov 03 2004

What Are the Hispanic Marketing Trends for 2005?

Published by at November 3, 2004 3:40 pm under Hispanic Marketing

In looking ahead to what will stand out in Hispanic marketing in 2005, Garcia360 highlights grassroots marketing as being the “big thing” most of the firm’s clients are looking for. This trend continues to be dominant, which is good news for radio stations, which have a tried and true method of grassroots marketing in ‘radio remotes’ (live location visits). A push from advertising agencies is expected for increased use of the radio remote, especially in conjunction with community events, as marketers continue to look for ways to have one-on-one interactions with consumers. This article is copyright 2004

One of the newer local one-to-one tools is the mobile marketing unit. Some financial institutions have already tried this tactic by creating mobile banks that enter Latino neighbourhoods and try to educate potential customers on the benefits of banking – and the benefits of their brand. Some companies, such as AOL Latino, have also used this idea for product demonstration. Some brands have been using it for years, such as Nike – you can see the mobile units at the Inner-City Games, showcasing sports products and co-branding efforts with sports celebrities.

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