Jul 10 2009

Jobs at Linguistic Solutions

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Linguistic Solutions is an international network that employs many specialists, consultants, translators, and editors in many countries. Its work team is divided into representatives and reserve professionals.

Linguistic Solutions’ representatives are national or regional partners who promote business for the company and coordinate or participate in the company’s operations earning regular commission or fixed income.

Linguistic Solutions’ reserve professionals are specialists who work on specific projects for the company such as research, polls, translations, editing, proofreading, and other miscellaneous jobs. They are professionals contracted by the job.

Want to Join Our Team?

Send us your résumé by mail, by fax or by e-mail to the following address. If you send by email please send it as an attachment in one of the following formats: plain text, HTML, PDF, or Microsoft Word.

Mailing address:

Linguistic Solutions
P.O. Box 9893
Huntsville, TX 77340

Attention: Human Resources

E-mail address



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