Nov 22 2004
My 3 Newest Gadgets
In the globalization, internationalization, translation and localization (GILT) industry, where responsiveness and timeliness are a must, mobile customer relationship management (CRM) and project managment (PM) become a must also (unless, of course, you like being chained to your desk). This attention deficit disorder (ADD) GILT industry CEO must be free to roam. The answer: Gadgets. Lot’s of ’em! That and GSM, GPRS, Bluetooth, WiFi, smoke signals, etc. Whatever it takes to stay connected with customers. I call it “High Tech/High Touch: Using Technology to Stay Connected with People” (High Tech/High Touch is a term I borrowed from Megatrends author Naisbitt). My customers call it customer service. They don’t know where I am when I answer their phone calls and e-mails and they dont’ care either. All they know is: They call or write, I answer. This morning, I wrote the following succinct reviews: My 3 newest gadgets.
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